About Us

Who We Are

We're a group of Jeep Wrangler and off road enthusiasts. We started the journey by sourcing products to upgrade our personal rigs, progressed to helping out fellow community members modify their rigs, and eventually founded Jeep Kartel Beirut (JKB) to meet the ever-rising demand.

JKB's mission is to serve as the bridge that connects you, the Jeep owners, with quality wrangler products and the adventure you seek. Our vision is to become your favorite, most trusted and the largest Jeep Wrangler spare parts and mods shop in Lebanon.

JKB's Core Values: Quality, Durability, and Trust.

Our Journey

The founders got their first rigs and were introduced to each other in 2014. In no time, they gathered a larger group of Jeep owners and in 2015, they established Wrangler Club Lebanon, the country's largest and most vibrant Jeep Wrangler community.

As the off road adventures evolved so did the rigs. The founders started sourcing mods and upgrades from all over the world for their personal vehicles. Shortly after that, they began fulfilling small pre-order requests for community members between the years 2015 and 2018.

In 2018, and with the founders' growing off road and rig modification experience, Jeep Kartel Beirut was born to become a full fledged shop offering a wide selection of Jeep Wrangler spare parts, convenience accessories, and mods to meet the ever-growing demand and community.

in 2024, and after a decade of Jeep experience, your beloved JKB goes online making it easier than ever for you to build your dream rig.